As certified Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaches, we are here to guide you towards enhanced overall wellbeing through personalised diet and lifestyle changes. Together, we'll explore different dietary theories and lifestyle choices to find the perfect fit for your unique needs. We believe that true health encompasses more than just diet and exercise; it includes every aspect of your life, from career and spirituality to relationships and financial health. Let’s embark on a holistic journey to nurture your body, mind, and soul.

  • Wellness Consultation

    Complimentary | 20 mins

    Interested in creating a customised wellness plan? Curious about how a Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach can support you? During this complimentary virtual session, we will discuss your current health concerns and goals, and you'll receive my expert guidance on the best next steps. You'll leave with a clearer understanding of how Sukha Skin and Wellness can support your journey to better health and wellbeing.

    Please note: This is an
    introductory session, and can only be booked once

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  • Health Coaching Session

    $150 | 45 mins

    During this session, we'll work together to identify your top health priorities and create a personalised plan to address them. Whether you seek support for your skin health, post-partum care, incorporating movement into your daily routine, improving nutrition, or developing a better mindset, this session is the perfect reboot. Ideal for those looking to upgrade their current wellness practices with a one-time coaching session.

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  • Health Coaching Package


    No matter where you are on your health journey, we will help you identify your personal goals and create a clear path to reach them. We'll encourage you to connect with your body's needs and address any obstacles along the way. During this program, we will meet for six 45-minute sessions, either monthly or fortnightly. You will receive personalized recommendations and tools to create sustainable change. By the end of this program, you will have a better understanding of your health, a compassionate mindset, and a strong foundation to continue building from.

Inclusions in the health coaching package

6 x 45 minute one:one coaching sessions

As a certified Health Coach, we are your partner in wellness. We provide expert advice, motivation, and accountability to help you create impactful shifts that transform your health.

A personalised wellness plan

Incorporating dietary, movement, mindfulness, lifestyle and supplement recommendations

Guided meditation

It is important to quieten the outside noise, so we start each session with a short guided meditation. This encourages an open heart and mind allowing vulnerability and true change to occur.

Unlimited email support between sessions

Whether you are having a particularly rough day or just need someone to brain dump your thoughts onto

Recommendations of my favourite resources

Books, podcasts, videos, tools specific to your current situation, handouts and customised recipes

A personalised exercise program

As a Certificate IV Qualified Personal Trainer and Yoga Teacher I will design a exercise program specifically for you to match your movement goals.

You made it to the bottom, which tells me you're serious about creating change.

The next step is to book your free 20-minute wellness consultation. This gives us the chance to get to know each other a little better. You can share your areas of focus and what you're hoping to achieve, and one of our certified Nutrition and Lifestyle coaches will tell you more about themselves and how they can support you. Together, we can decide if we are the right fit before selecting the best coaching option for you.